Etiquette varies from one region to another, reflecting distinct sets of socially accepted customs and behaviors. Through my extensive visits to numerous cigar shops across the world, I've learned several etiquette practices that have helped me...
Preserving Perfection: An Introduction to Cigar Storage and Humidors
Preserving and aging cigars is a well-known practice among enthusiasts, and I'll elaborate on this process. However, to properly age cigars, you first need a humidor. So, let's begin by discussing storage. Cigars are natural, organic products,...
Unveiling the Secrets: A Novice’s Guide to Cigar Enjoyment
Smoking cigars is a venerable tradition, steeped in rich rituals and customs. In the world of wine, the concept of "terroir" illustrates how the environment can impart distinct flavors to the grapes. I mention this because, in the realm of cigars,...